Everyone is Welcome at the Public Libraries of Massachusetts

Massachusetts is home to America’s First Public Library, and today there are 369 public libraries in the Commonwealth serving you. Find your library

What is a Public Library?

Public libraries are places for education and enjoyment and offer opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to learn and to pursue self-improvement. In most cases, you do not have to have a library card to visit the library. Libraries usually offer materials that visitors with a library card can borrow, as well as use of the building and amenities. Librarians are available to answer any question a library user might have. If a librarian can’t answer your question immediately, they will do research and get back to you when they’ve found the answer.

How Do I Use the Library?

Anyone who works, lives or studies in Massachusetts can get a library card to borrow books and other items, gain access to online resources at home and attend free library events. To get a library card, most libraries will ask for government issued photo ID with your name, as well as proof of your address (piece of mail or bill), along with your phone number or email address.

What Can I Get at a Public Library?

Most materials in a library can be borrowed for a defined period of time, and then returned to the library at no cost.  Materials include:

  • Books, audiobooks and eBooks for all ages 
  • Magazines and newspapers
  • Music and movies
  • Museum discounts and passes
  • Games, tools, electronics, outdoor gear and more from the Library of Things
  • Libraries share materials across Massachusetts giving you access to 59 million items.  Check with your local library network first.  If your local library network does not have the item, it’s time to look in the Commonwealth Catalog.

Many libraries offer free events to visitors.  There are many kinds of events libraries offer:

  • Art and music events
  • Story times and other children’s activities
  • Educational events for adults and children

Many libraries also offer technology to their visitors.  Types of technology includes:

  • Printers and scanners
  • Free wi-fi and computers with internet access
  • Online resources and research databases (link) with access to reliable information including articles, homework help, test preparation and more.

Libraries usually have basic amenities for visitors:

  • Seating
  • Restrooms and drinking water
  • Tables to do work and homework
  • Meeting rooms or quiet study areas

Free eBooks, Audiobooks and More!

 These online resources include:

Boston Public Library

The Library for the Commonwealth (LFC) at the Boston Public Library (BPL) expands access for all Massachusetts residents to:

  •  eBooks
  • audiobooks
  • online learning
  • research asssistance
  • streaming services and more

Apply for a Boston Public Library eCard